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Cibo per cani di merluzzo (2,5kg=10kg) Zoom


Cibo per cani di merluzzo (2,5kg=10kg)

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 menu completo per cani di ogni età e taglia

 la principale fonte di proteine è il merluzzo, che fornisce acidi grassi omega 3

 basso contenuto calorico

 per cani in sovrappeso o con allergie alimentari.

 senza conservanti, senza coloranti, senza aromi

 data scadenza 21.12.2024

Availability: Only 3 left

Regular Price: €49.50

Special Price €19.99

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Product Description

Product description

Cibo per cani di merluzzo è un alimento disidratato sviluppato in collaborazione con specialisti in nutrizione canina, con BASSO CONTENUTO CALORICO. Si tratta di un nuovo concetto di alimentazione, formulato da veterinari e nutrizionisti specializzati in cani, con la massima qualità proteica sul mercato, senza conservanti, additivi o coloranti. Senza glutine e solo con ingredienti 100% naturali.

Il cibo per cani di merluzzo è preparato solo con carne di pesce senza spine, ottenuta dalle parti nobili del merluzzo, che fornisce grandi quantità di Omega 3 e Omega 6.

Questa varietà è IPOALLERGENICA, pensata appositamente per cani con allergie ad altre proteine come carni avicole: pollo, tacchino, ecc...
Ed è anche adatta a cani con allergie o intolleranze ad altre carni come manzo, maiale o agnello. Lo integreremo con frutta e verdura benefici per i cani come carote, barbabietole, mele e spinaci.

Inoltre, includiamo CURCUMA: un potente antiossidante naturale, ricco di fibre e vitamine: C, E, K, B1, B2, B3, B6 e B9. Ricca di minerali come manganese e ferro, è anche una buona fonte di potassio, calcio, magnesio, rame e zinco.

Contiene una quantità elevata di proteine e un basso apporto calorico, ideale per CANI CON PROBLEMI DI FEGATO, RENE E ALTRE PATOLOGIE, O CHE HANNO BISOGNO DI UNA DIETA A BASSO CONTENUTO CALORICO per perdere peso. Ha un'alta concentrazione di beta-carotene, vitamina B-12, ferro, minerali e l'acido grasso essenziale per eccellenza, l'acido gamma-linolenico. Contiene anche semi di chia: sono un tipo di seme derivato dalla Salvia hispanica, una pianta del deserto che cresce abbondantemente nel sud del Messico. Sono una fonte di acidi grassi omega-3 di origine vegetale e anche di antiossidanti.

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Regular Price: €49.50

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All product statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or by the Ministry of Health.
These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


Additional Information



1. Mescolare il cibo con acqua calda (NON bollente e non usare il forno a microonde), preferibilmente acqua filtrata o in bottiglia.

2. Mescolare bene, lasciare 5-10 minuti per reidratare il cibo.

3. Pronto da mangiare!

In generale, per ogni misurino di cibo si dovrebbe aggiungere la stessa quantità di acqua, ma alcuni cani/gatti preferiscono un cibo più liquido, quindi si potrebbe provare ad aggiungere un altro misurino di acqua.

Dose giornaliera raccomandata; dipende dal peso dell'animale:

1 -5 kg (poco attivo) 20 to 65 g
1 to 5 kg (molto attivo) 25 to 90 g

6 - 15 kg (poco attivo) 65 to 165 g
6 -15 kg (molto attivo): 85 to 200 g

16 - 25 kg (poco attivo) 155 to 255 g
16 -25 kg (molto attivo) 185 to 310 g

26-35 kg (poco attivo) 215 -295 g
26 -35 kg (molto attivo): 300 to 380 g

36 - 50 (poco attivo) 275 - 385 g
36 - 50 (molto attivo): 380 - 450 g

51 -70 kg (poco attivo): 380 -525 g
51 -70 kg (molto attivo) 450 - 585 g



40% Merluzzo

26% Frutta e verdura disidratata (carote tritate, mela a cubetti e spinaci tritati, fiocchi di patate disidratate

15% Patate 

12% Riso disidratato

3% Semi di chia 

2% Curcuma

2% di foglie di prezzemolo


Analisi nutrizionale:

Proteine 28,9%
Grasso 4,7%
Fibra grezza 2,5%
Umidità 8,3%
Cenere 10,0%
Calcio 2,10%
Fosforo 1,3%

Valore energetico (Kcal / 1kg): 2634


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Selection and Mission Statement

Fitopets Selection and Mission Statement:

We strive to offer only the best of the best products worldwide. Most online shops always state the same:”We have the best, most natural products!”, so what makes us different?

Please check our Beyond Natural Fitopets Selection Standard:

1) our selection of supplements are searched and verified by our Naturopaths, which are the most appassionate professionals in natural and organic ingredients. Naturopaths love herbs and whatever no side effect treatments Mother Nature has to offer. They study ingredients with passion. It’s connnected with their life mission, with their soul, therefore it’s effortless and not money driven.

2) We only choose brands that have high ethic values, which invest a lot in research and in sourcing the purest ingredients. We also have our ways of “verifying” the company owner or director – if he/she has whatever attitude we do not feel in alignment with our core values, we will not sell his products, even if they are very good. We believe that every aspect of a company is an extension of the people who own it and who manage it, therefore also the products.

3) we avoid as much as possible any synthetic ingredient that can be harmful or toxic to our bodies. We sell products free of GMOs, synthetic substances, gluten, dairy, conservatives, stimulants, additives, synthetics perfumes, and animal testing. 99% of our products are truly natural.

In very few cases we allow, for example, a flowing agent called magnesium stearate which is present in many supplements, and is considered generally safe, when it’s not. Magnesium stearate is frequently made with low quality vegetable oils (it’s cheaper) which can be loaded with heavy metals. When we do rarely accept such product in our Fitopets Selection, it is because at this moment, we cannot find worldwide a better alternative. Better for us doesn’t mean only more natural, but it also has to produce results.

When we sell a product with magnesium stearate, we ask the manufacturer the heavy metal lab analysis of the vegetable oils they use to produce magnesium stearate. If it is ok, we accept the product – this is how far we go to ensure safety to our clients.

4) we obviously cannot check personally the ingredients and the production processes of all facilities worldwide, but instead we do choose brands with GMP (Good Manufacturing Policy) certification or HACCP certification, which guarantees maximum safety and quality. Where GMP certification is not necessary, we request the MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets).

5) we always verify how does the manufacturer extract the ingredient, what is the technological process he uses, because it can downgrade the ingredient or considerably enhance it. The final result is the rate of cellular absorption of the ingredient. Everything depends on whether your cells can access and use the supplements you take, and at what percentage. If your absorption rate is low, you are literally throwing away your money through the window. We passionately focus on offering products with the highest possible absorption rate at a cellular level. 

6) we constantly verify the market in search of new products which could be superior than the ones we already sell. When we do, we frequently switch to the new product, letting go of the previous one, even if we were selling it well. That is how badly we want to offer only the best of the best, at the cost of even losing some clients, because not everyone likes changing to a new and better solution, even if vastly superior.

Another reason why we do this is because we want to minimize your “stress of choice”. Choosing between five liver cleanse products is more time consuming, than choosing the only one available. When you see that one and only product for a symptom or discomfort, you already know you’re choosing the best, and no extra search and evaluation is needed, even though we always encourage it. 

7) our Fitopets Selection is not based on trends, but on our experience we build through our free Naturopath Consultings Service. We only sell products we personally use and that we suggest to our clients, who are people. And people are not numbers.