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gingivitis cats

  • How to Prevent and Treat Gum Disease in Cats and Dogs

    If you happen to be concerned about your pet's dental and gum health , Dr. Jan Bellows, veterinarian specializing in dental treatment explains on his website that ( some form of periodontal disease do affect over 85% of dogs and cats over the age of four.

    The veterinarian adds: "Although it's been a decade of heightened awareness on the importance of dental care by the veterinarians and pets owners, periodontal disease is now the most common infection encountered in veterinary practice."

    Dogs and cats puppies begin their life with healthy mouth: gums should be pink, stable and not swollen and should hold the teeth steadly.

    Overtime a thin layer of plaque begins to form over the enamel of the teeth.

    If nothing is done, the plaque slowly becomes tartar, a hard brown bacterial layer, that not only becomes more difficult to remove but begins to inflame the gums. That is how gingivitis or gum disease occurs both in dogs and cats as well as humans.

    gengivesane-cane                                                                            Healthy gums

    gengiveinfiammate-cane                                                                           Gum disease

    Once tartar increases on your animal's teeth his gums will become red, swollen and bleed easily when touched. This condition will progressively worsen and pain will increase. Our pet may drool more than usual, refuse to eat or have difficulty eating, and have a bad breath. These are all signs of tooth decay.

    Gingivitis is reversible in early stages before it becomes periodontitis which first causes receding gums ( gums that pull away from the teeth making them look longer) and then tooth loss.

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